What Are The Chances?
Lesson 3
Games of Chance
Task 1
Words we know
As a whole class we will brainstorm the words we have learnt to use when identifying the chance of an event.

Task 2 - Game time
How do we know the chance of an outcome of a game?
what are the chances of rolling a 6 on a dice
flipping a heads or tails?
Time now to play some games and use our new chance words to answer some questions
You will need
Game packs (see teacher)
Dice Games
Time: 20 min
Game 1:
1. First break the group into pairs
2. For each roll of the die Player 1 wins if the die shows 5 or 6 and Player 2 is the winner if a 1, 2, 3 or 4 is rolled.
3. Then have a discussion within the group and ensure all students understand how it is played and how a player wins.
4. Then as pairs play the game many times, keeping a record of the number of wins for each player on a whiteboard
5. Have a discussion about whether or not you believe the game is fair and who is advantaged.
Game 2:
1. Have a discussion with your partner about the game and ensure that each of you understand how it is played and how a player wins.
2. Two dice are rolled.
3. Add together the numbers that are rolled.
Player 1 wins if the answer is an odd number. Player 2 wins if the product is even.
4. Play the game 10 times, keeping a record of the number of wins for each player on a whiteboard.
5. Discuss whether or not you believe the game is fair and who is advantaged.

Spinner Games
Time: 20 min.
Spinner game 1
ABC Maths Splash: Spinner Explore
In pairs work through the interactive online game
Source: http://splash.abc.net.au/res/i/L2380/index.html
Click on the picture below to open the link
Spinner Game 2
Now as a pair make your own spinner from the resource below.
Click on the document to print or see the teacher for a copy
Printable spinner template
source: http://cte.sfasu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Templates-for-Spinners.pdf
Colour the 8 parts of the spinner in different colours
1 colour for 3 parts
1 colour for 1 part
1 colour for 2 parts
1 colour for 2 parts
Complete your task sheet
Make some predictions about the results from your spinner
List your colours from most likely to least likely getting the most spins
Spin you spinner 10 times and write down the results on the task sheet
Were your results what you predicted?
Why / why not?

Spinner Tasksheet - Printable resource
Click to open document and print
Aim: To use chance words in context